CMSV 334 Faculty Executive Committee

Policy Name: Faculty Executive Committee

PA Program Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)

  1. Program director
  2. All faculty and staff
  3. All committee chairs provide reports
  4. Medical director

This meeting involves all operational aspects of the program. This is where information and conclusions are brought from the curriculum committee, clinical committee, admission committee, and other ad hoc committees. Program policy is ratified and major decisions about strategic planning are voted upon. One-year; five-year, and ten-year long-range goals are reviewed and updated as required.

The FEC oversees and votes regarding all programmatic decisions, both assessment and operational. This committee will receive recommendations from the curriculum committee. All programmatic decisions involving curricular modifications, implementation of policy and programmatic self-assessment, and accreditation are voted upon and enacted by this committee based upon recommendations of the program committees and reviewed by the entire faculty and staff at the yearly faculty retreat.

Additional responsibilities include reviewing ARC-PA requirements, rolling out in-house, in-service training, and meeting with learners (as a group) to:

  1. Address needs or questions about the program.
  2. Implement orientation to the next phase of the program.
  3. Update learners on projects.
  4. Promote scholarship opportunities.
  5. Encourage PA leadership opportunities.
  6. Plan for community outreach.
  7. Review promotional materials.
  8. Share updates from the graduate school, College, professional meetings, etc.

ARC-PA Compliance Committee Subcommittee of Executive Committee (ARC)

Sub-Committee of the FEC
This committee is dedicated to ongoing compliance with the fifth edition of the ARC-PA Standards. Therefore, standards will be systematically reviewed throughout the academic year to ensure the program is continuously in full compliance.

Role of the Sub-Committee of the FEC

  1. Continually review the ARC-PA Accreditation Standards published by ARC-PA for necessary updates, revisions, and deletions.
  2. Develop a working model for addressing updates, revisions, or deletions to allow the program to maintain full compliance with all ARC-PA Standards.
  3. Recommend alterations to the data gathering procedure so as to allow correct information and data to be uploaded as necessary.