Joshua A. Shmikler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Ph.D., Boston College
M.A., Boston College
B.B.A., Emory University
Areas of Interest
- Ancient Greek Philosophy
- Ethical Theory
- Metaphysics
- Continental Philosophy
- Social and Political Philosophy
- PHIL 110 Introduction to Ethics
- PHIL 241 Logic
- HRNS 301 Junior Honors Seminar
- PHIL 320 Social and Political Philosophy
- PHIL 357 Philosophy of Love
- PHIL 359 Meaning and Happiness
- PHIL 363 Philosophy and Tragedy
- PHIL 365 Philosophy of Death
- PHIL 369 Philosophy of Social Responsibility
- PHIL 404 Ancient Philosophy
- PHIL 408 Late Modern Philosophy
- PHIL 412 Dialogue with Great Thinkers: Rousseau on Education
- PHIL 412 Dialogue with Great Thinkers: Nietzsche and Film
- PHIL 490 Senior Seminar
- IDS 518 History and Ethics of International Service Learning
“Give Me a Liberal Arts Education or Give Me Death: Seneca on the Shortness of Life.” In The Arts and Sciences of Core Text Education: Selected Papers from the Twenty-first Annual Conference of the Association for Core Texts and Courses. Edited by Scott A. Ashmon, Kerri L. Tom, and J. Scott Lee. Lanham: University Press of America, Inc., Forthcoming.
“Plato on Ethics and Psychology.” In Key Themes and Figures in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Edited by Brendan Sweetman. Gale Researcher (Detroit, MI.: Gale/Cengage, 2016), 9 Volumes.
“Both a Man and a Citizen: Introducing Rousseau’s Emile with a Prisoner’s Dilemma-Type Game.” In The Quest for Excellence:Liberal Arts, Sciences, and Core Texts. Edited by Dustin Gish, Christopher Constas, and J. Scott Lee, 115-119. Lanham: University Press of America, Inc., 2016.
“Teaching Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem as an Introduction to Philosophy.” In Engaging Worlds: Core Texts and Cultural Contexts, edited by Robert D. Anderson, Molly B. Flynn, and J. Scott Lee, 27-31. Lanham: University Press of America, Inc., 2016.
“Journey to the Center of Another: Adam Smith on Sympathy,” The Association of Core Texts and Courses Twenty-second Annual Conference, Houston, April 2017.
“King’s Socrates: Continuity and Change,” The Association of Core Texts and Courses Twenty-first Annual Conference, Atlanta, April 2016.
“Give Me a Liberal Arts Education or Give Me Death: Seneca on the Shortness of Life,” The Association of Core Texts and Courses Twentieth Annual Conference, Plymouth, April 2015.
“Arguing from Ignorance? Socratic Ignorance and the Fear of Death in Plato’s Apology,” The 32nd Annual Joint Meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy (SAGP) and The Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy of Science (SSIPS), New York, October 2014.
“Overcoming both Slave and Master Moralities: Reading Nietzsche’s Genealogy,” The Association for Core Texts and Courses Eighteenth Annual Conference, Ottawa, April 2013.
“Aristotle’s Rival Introductions to the Study of First Philosophy,” Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia, November 2011.
“Both a Man and a Citizen: Introducing Rousseau’s Emile with a Prisoner’s Dilemma-Type Game,” The Association for Core Texts and Courses Seventeenth Annual Conference, New Haven, April 2011.
“Radical Hope and the End of Practical Reason: An Aristotelian Analysis of Lear’s Plenty-Coups,” Sponsored by The Society for Greek Political Thought, Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, Boston, November 2010.
“Introducing Philosophy through Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem,” The Association for Core Texts and Courses Sixteenth Annual Conference, New Brunswick, April 2010.
“Socrates and Critias: A Platonic Response in the Charmides,” Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia, November 2009.
“The Eleatic Stranger’s Critique of Socratic Elenchus: An Examination of Plato’s Sophist 226a-231b,” Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, Boston, November 2008.
“Defense Policy in Plato’s Republic: A Reply to a Machiavellian Criticism,” Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia, November 2007.