Citation Styles

When you incorporate or reference the work of others in your writing, you must cite your sources. Citations make your arguments more credible, and help build a solid foundation for your own research. Follow these links to help format your papers and citations according to various citation styles. And remember, when using a citation generator, always double check that it correctly formats the final citation (there are often small errors)!


General Help and Citation Generators
Citation Machine Generates citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian styles for 14 different types of sources.
CiteSource From Trinity College, this website helps you document information, check various citation examples for unusual formats (podcasts, TV shows, Facebook posts, etc.), and lets you read about intellectual property and copyright.
CiteThisForMe Generates citations and bibliographies in various styles for 30 different types of resources.
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab is the most trusted and thorough online resource regarding research and MLA, APA, and Chicago citation styles.