Department of Teacher Education

Seonhee Cho, Ph.D.

Seonhee Cho

Associate Professor of Teacher Education
Ph. D., University of Tennessee
M. Ed., Korea National University of Education
B.A., Chungnam National University

Areas of Interest  

  • ESL teacher education
  • English language learners
  • International students’ academic socialization



  • EDUC 504 Cross-cultural Communication
  • EDUC 506 Language, Cognitive Development, and Cultural Diversity
  • EDUC 507 Linguistic Analysis
  • EDUC 725 Teaching across Content-areas: Methods of TESOL
  • EDUC 750 Supervised ESL Practicum (K-12)

Professional Affiliations
American Education Research Association
New York State Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

Refereed Journal Articles
Cho, S., & Clark-Gareca, B. (2020). Approximating and innovating field experiences of ESOL preservice teachers: The effects of COVID-19 and school closures. TESOL Journal, 11(3).

Cho, S., Lee, H., & Herner-Patnode, L. (2020). Factors influencing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy in addressing cultural and linguistic needs of diverse learners. The Teacher Educator, doi: 10.1080/08878730.2020.1805835.

Cho, S. (2019). Secondary content-area teachers’ perceptions of English learner accommodations in classroom assessments. NYSTESOL Journal, 6 (1), 42-52.

Cho, S., & Yi, Y. (2018). Funds of knowledge and cultural capital: Working toward diversity and equity of knowledges. Applied Linguistics, doi:10.1093/applin/amy062.

Cho, S., and Yi, Y. (2018). Intersecting identities and positionality of U.S.-based transnational scholars in second language studies. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 41 (4).  doi: 10.1080/1743727X.2018.1496416

Davis-Wiley, P., and Cho, S. (2018). International sojourning in the U.S.: Perceptions of children of a visiting scholar. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 6 (6), 97-106.

Cho, S. (2016-2017). A Personal Touch of Advocacy to My Profession: Counter-Narratives of Immigrant Latina Teachers in English as a Second Language Education. Ethnic Studies Review, 39 and 40, 19-35.

Cho, S. (2013). Disciplinary enculturation experiences of three Korean students in U.S.-based MATESOL programs. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 12 (2),136-151.

Cho, S., Xu, Y., & Rhodes, J. A. (2010 a). Examining English language learners’ motivation of, and engagement in reading: A qualitative study. The Reading Matrix 10 (2), 205-220.

Cho, S., & Christenbury, L (2010 b). Perceptions of Virginia high school English teachers regarding instruction for English language learners. Virginia English Bulletin, 59 (2), 20-37.

Cho, S. (2009 a). Finding and creating a space: Disciplinary enculturation experiences of five east Asian doctoral students in second language studies. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 29 (3), 295-310.

Cho, S., & McDonnough, J.T. (2009 b). Meeting the needs of high school science teachers in English language learner instruction. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 20 (4), 385-424.

McDonnough, T. J., & Cho, S. (2009 c).  Strategies for connecting to English language learners in the science classroom. The Science Teacher, 76, 34-37.

Cho, S., & Reich, G. A. (2008). New immigrants, new challenges: High school social studies teachers in English language learner instruction. The Social Studies, 99, 235-242.

Cho, S. (2008). Beyond language skills: International teaching assistants’ experiences in U.S.-based ESL programs. Journal of Graduate Student Teaching and Professional Development, 11, 90-108.

Cho, S. (2004). Challenges of entering discourse communities by publishing in English: Perspectives of Non-native speaking doctoral students. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 3(1), 47-72.

Refereed Book Reviews
Cho, S. (2015). Crafting Critical Stories: Toward Pedagogies and Methodologies of Collaboration, Inclusion, and Voice [Review of the book Crafting Critical Stories: Toward Pedagogies and Methodologies of Collaboration, Inclusion, and Voice]. Journal of Latinos and Education, 14, 222-223.

Cho, S. (2011). Academic writing in a global context [Review of the book Academic Writing in a Global Context]. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.

Cho, S. (2004). Geopolitics of academic writing [Review of the book Geopolitics of Academic Writing]. English for Specific Purposes, 24, 111-117.

Refereed Professional Presentations
Cho, S., and Smith, M. (2018). Writing strategies and their impact on ENLs’ content-specific writing. Paper presentation at 47th NYS TESOL Conference, Huntington, NY.

Cho, S. (April, 2017) A Personal Touch of Advocacy to My Profession: Counter-Narratives of English Language Learner Latina Teachers. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference. San Antonio, TX.

McKenzie, C., Sullivan, A., & Cho, S. (March, 2017) Funds of knowledge, cultural capital, and academic engagement of Inner City English as a new language students. Round table session at American Applied Linguistics Conference. Portland, OR.

Cho, S., & Yi, Y. (April, 2016). Intersectional identities of international scholars of second language studies in the U.S., and their knowledge construction. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference. Washington.D.C.

Sullivan, A., & Cho, S. (April, 2016). Inner City Elementary ELLs’ unconventional out-of-school literacy practices. Poster session at TESOL conference. Baltimore, MA.

Sullivan, A., & Cho, S. (November, 2015). Funds of knowledge of urban ELLs and their literacy practices. Paper presented at NYSTESOL conference. Albany, NY.

Cho, S. (March, 2015). Content-area teachers’ compulsory ESL practicum experiences: Perils and promises. Round Table session at TESOL conference. Toronto, CA.

Vitez, S., & Cho, S. (November, 2014). Perceptions on Accents: Don’t judge a book by its cover. Poster session at NYSTESOL conference. Albany, NY

O’Conner, K., & Cho, S. (March, 2014).  A view from the other side: Self-portrayals of Secondary ELLs. Poster session at TESOL conference. Portland, OR.

Brady, B., Cho, S., Reis, D., & Xu, K. (March, 2014). Towards a more inclusive TESOL profession: Diverse contexts, collaborative endeavors. Colloquium session at TESOL conference. Portland, OR.

Cho, S., & Bongiovanni. L. (November, 2013). ESL writing of 1.5 generation college students and instructional strategies. Paper presented at NYSTESOL Conference. White Plains, NY.

Cho, S. (March, 2013). From ELLs to ESL teachers: Latina teachers’ experiences. Paper presented at international TESOL convention, Dallas, TX.

Cho, S. (March, 2013). A case of New York bilingual and ESL education. Paper presented at international TESOL convention, Dallas, TX.

Cho, S., & Yi, Y. (March, 2013). Border crossing or third space? Situated knowledges of international scholars of second language studies in U.S. Roundtable presented at AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics), Dallas, TX.

Cho, S. (November, 2012). Voices from Latina teachers: Becoming ESL teachers from ELLs. Paper presented at NYSTESOL conference, Albany NY.

Cho, S. (October, 2011). Secondary content-area teachers’ perceptions of fairness regarding assessing English language learners. Paper presented at SETESOL conference, Richmond, VA.

Cho, S. & Bohon, L. (March, 2011). How do secondary content-area teachers implement SIOP in their classrooms? Paper presented at TESOL conference, New Orleans, LA.

Cho, S. (March, 2011). Academic enculturation experiences of Non-native English speaking students in MATESOL programs. Poster session at TESOL conference, New Orleans, LA.

Cho, S. (November, 2010). Effectiveness of SIOP  training application in secondary mainstream classroom. Paper presented at 40th NYSTESOL conference, Albany, NY.

Cho, S. (April, 2010). Secondary content-area teachers’ perceptions of mainstreaming of English language learners, resources, and policies. Paper presented at AERA Conference, Denver, CO.

McDonnough J. T., & Cho, S. (March, 2010). Making Science Accessible to ELLs: Instructional Strategies for 6-12 teachers. Paper presented at VAST conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Bohon, L., & Cho, S. (October, 2009). Improving scaffolding techniques and increasing student interaction. Paper presented at VATESOL Conference, Virginia Beach, VA.

Cho, S., & McKelvey, S. (September, 2009). Impact of professional development program regarding English language learner instruction on secondary content-area teachers. Paper presented at VERA Conference, Charlottesville, VA.

Cho, S. (April, 2009). Disciplinary enculturation experiences of East Asian doctoral students in second language studies. Presented at the AERA Conference, San Diego, CA.

Rhodes, J. A., Xu, Y., & Cho, S. (December, 2008). The impact of a response to intervention model on the prediction and comprehension ability of English language learners and native English-speaking remedial readers. Presented at the National Reading Conference, Orlando, FL.

Cho, S., & Bohon, L. (September, 2008). Summer institute for secondary-content teachers: Success and Challenges. Poster session at the Southeast TESOL, Birmingham, AL.

Cho, S. (October, 2007). Current practices, issues, and needs of content-area teachers in ELL education in central Virginia. Paper presented at the VATESOL (Virginia Teachers of English to the Speakers of Other Languages). Richmond, VA.

Cho, S. (September, 2007). Current practices, issues, and needs of content-area teachers in ELL education in central Virginia. Paper presented at the VERA (Virginia Educational Research Association). Charlottesville, VA.

Cho, S. (April, 2007). International students’ practicum/internship and questions of equity. Paper presented at the AERA conference, Chicago, IL.

Cho, S. (March, 2007). NNS (Non-native English Speaking Students) practicum and questions of equity. Paper presented at the 41th international TESOL, Seattle, WA.

Cho, S. (October, 2006). Different expectations of ESOL and content-area teachers: Who is responsible for what? Paper presented at the VATESOL, Roanoke, VA.

Cho, S. (October, 2005). Outsiders or legitimate participants? International students’  academic socialization processes in TESOL Education. Paper presented at the VA TESOL, Charlottesville, VA.

Davis-Wiley, P., & Cho, S. (March, 2005). “But, it wasn’t like this in American movies!”—Personal challenges and triumphs of two young Korean students reflecting back on their year abroad in East Tennessee. Paper presented at the TNTESOL, Clarksville, TN.

Davis-Wiley, P., & Cho, S. (October, 2004). She says/he says: Conversations with two young Korean students transplanted to the wilds of East Tennessee. Paper presented at the Southeast TESOL, Nashville, TN.

Cho, S. (April, 2004). Challenges of Entering Discourse Communities by Publishing. Paper presented at the 38th international TESOL, Long Beach, CA.

Cho, S., & Tankersley, J. (September, 2002). Case Studies on the Experiences of Native EFL Teachers in East Asia. Paper presented at the Southeast TESOL, Atlanta, GA.