Division of Communication, Art, and Media

Strategic and Human Communication

Five courses in either the Strategic and Human Communication or the Digital Arts and Media Studies concentration are required for all Communication majors:

COMM 240/THTR 100 Acting I (3 credits)
COMM 309 Image Design with Photoshop (3 credits)
COMM 330 Communication and the Law (3 credits)
COMM 333 New Media and Society (C)* (3 credits)
COMM 334 Political Communication (3 credits)
COMM 341/THTR 200 Acting II/Directing (3 credits)
COMM 342 Speech for Radio and Television (3 credits)
COMM 343 Introduction to Advertising (3 credits)
COMM 344 Introduction to Public Relations (3 credits)
COMM 345 Strategic/Promotional Writing (3 credits)
COMM 351 Intercultural Communication (C)* (3 credits)
COMM 353 Interpersonal Communication (C)* (3 credits)
COMM 355 Organizational Communication (C)* (3 credits)
COMM 356 Small Group Communication (3 credits)
COMM 403 Interactive Design (3 credits)
COMM 405 Web Programming and Development (3 credits)
COMM 406 iOS Application Development (3 credits)
COMM 412/THTR 350 Acting III/Performance Lab (3 credits)
COMM 413 Public Relations Project Management (3 credits)
COMM 418 Creative Advertising Strategies (3 credits)