13.2 Overtime Pay Procedures
If you are classified as a nonexempt employee (see the classifications of employment policy section for the definition of nonexempt employee), you will be paid one and one-half times your regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked beyond the fortieth hour in any given workweek.
Your supervisor will attempt to provide you with reasonable notice when the need for overtime work arises. Please remember, however, that advance notice may not always be possible.
You will normally receive payment for overtime in the pay period following the period in which such overtime is worked, providing that your time record form has been properly prepared, approved by your supervisor, and forwarded to payroll for processing in a timely manner.
Non-worked hours such as Vacation, Sick Days, Holidays, etc., do not count towards the initial work week overtime threshold or when calculating overtime.
Approved May 12, 2009