6.4 Faculty Emeritus Rank

Faculty who fulfill the following requirements are eligible for conferral of Emeritus Status:

  • Retirement from higher education, i.e. drawing on pension plans with no other full-time commitments;
  • A minimum of 10 years of full-time teaching in higher education, with at least five years at the College of Mount Saint Vincent;
  • Rank at time of retirement of Associate Professor or Full Professor;
  • Conferred by the President, upon recommendation of department and the Rank and Tenure Committee.

6.4.1 Privileges of Faculty Emeriti

Faculty who hold Emeritus status are invited to Commencement, Founders Day, special lectures, and special events; may use the College’s name and rank as a professional affiliation in publications and professional associations, etc.;

  • Elizabeth Seton Library card and privileges;
  • Mailing list of the College of Mount Saint Vincent;
  • Continued listing in the College Catalogue in the Emeriti section;
  • Participation by invitation at departmental meetings and functions as a non-voting member.

Approved May 15, 2014