M.S. in Physician Assistant Studies Program

The physician assistant (PA) field is growing rapidly, and PAs are now considered vital to any healthcare team. Physician assistants are healthcare professionals who practice medicine with the supervision of licensed physicians, providing patients with services ranging from primary care to very specialized surgical care. Physician assistants obtain patient histories, perform physical examinations, diagnose illness and develop treatment strategies, order and interpret lab tests, counsel patients on preventative health, perform various medical procedures, assist in surgical operations, and in most states can write prescriptions.

Physician assistants also perform various medical procedures and in most states, including New York, PAs have the authority to write prescriptions. Their job descriptions are as diverse as those of their supervising physicians, and their function is regarded as critical to any healthcare team. While many PAs work in primary care settings and general internal medicine, the possibilities are unlimited and can encompass administration, academia, and research opportunities.

In the classroom, students integrate courses in basic science, clinical medicine, behavioral medicine, and pharmacology to provide a comprehensive approach to patient care. Clinical anatomy is offered to the students, with a cadaver lab experience conducted at NYU Medical Center. Students also have opportunities to practice history and physical examination skills on simulated patients in The Center for Excellence in Healthcare Simulation.

During the clinical phase of the program, students rotate through nine (9) five-week clerkships: internal medicine, pediatrics, women’s health, behavioral medicine, family medicine, emergency medicine, surgery, elective I (student selected), and an elective II (program selected) clerkship. The program has a number of clinical affiliations throughout the metropolitan area at which the students complete their clerkships. The clinical phase is designed to help the students apply skills learned during the didactic phase.